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GannettUSA Today

Friday, March 02, 2007

We woke up and things went downhill from there

This is one of the Friday mornings where Sue gets up at sunrise to do some on-line banking. And she would have if her directly deposited paycheck had, in fact, been directly deposited. But to her surprise, it hadn't been. Computer glitch, oversight, or whatever, this is a pretty catastrophic event as we head into the weekend.
But we can't dwell on that because life goes on even in the absence of Mammon. There's work to get ready for, and children to prepare.
Sue hits another snag when her hair spray goes missing. It turns up in the possession of our 10-year-old son, Sam, who has taken an interest in hair care products that I never ever had.
There also were permission slips to sign, including one allowing Sam to participate in a school lip sync contest. He's apparently going with "When I'm Sixty-Four.''
On the plus side, the big hole in my 18-year-old son's thumb (don't ask) seems to be healing nicely. Then it's out into the world where the monsoon has left my car in a big puddle. The upside there is that wading to the car allowed me to find a previously undiscovered hole in the bottom of my shoe.
So how are you doing?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

when it rains, it pours..always have your bumbershoot ready...(and a spare one)

11:29 AM, March 07, 2007  

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