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GannettUSA Today

Monday, January 29, 2007

A big ol' thank you...I'm 3 for 3!

A while ago I asked you folks to help me on a scavenger hunt of sorts. I was on the lookout for a couple of plays and a video, things that I had been trying to find for 20 years or more. And you came up with clues and leads and one by one, I came into possesion of these things.
The writer of "Hospitality Suite,'' Roger Rueff sent me a copy of the play after a couple of very nice phone calls. I found somebody who actually had a DVD copy of the "Gospel at Colonus'' on the message boards of The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) .

But the text for a short play called "Rattlesnake In a Cooler'' was a tougher nut to crack. I called the playwright in Hawaii (again thanks to your snooping) shortly before the holidays and he said he was going to send it to me. Well, a month passed, and no "Rattlesnake." I thought of the holiday parcel rush, and figured maybe the package had to get to the mainland via dugout canoe.
I was loathe to call again because I hate to be a pest, so I gently e-mailed Frank South again, who was kind enough to e-mail me a PDF of the play. So Saturday morning, I printed the sucker out, took it to Kinko's and had it bound. I'm thrilled. More than my wife, who says if she has to watch the Gospel at Colonus one more time, I'm going to be the victim of Greek tragedy my own self. Looks like I married something of a Philistine. But that's neither here nor there. I'm convinced that there is nothing you and I can't accomplish together in the blogosphere.
Who do we want to elect to the White House?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad some of my sleuthing paid off for far as the next President goes, I think "none of the above" candidates, so far..wish I could find a reliable crystal ball on E-bay!

2:40 PM, January 30, 2007  

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