Terror in the capital: sex?
But my God, why are we prosecuting the D.C. Madame to begin with? There are real problems in the country, what with war and people wanting to kill us and everything else.
Not every sin ought to be a crime, and believe it or not, not every crime is a sin.
Certain drugs ought to be decriminalized, and certain sex workers ought to be free to ply their trade without winding up in federal prison.
let me guess, you smoke pot and have had many "happy endings" with a massage...
The D.C. madame is being prosecuted because the morality police and those who support them think it's okay to trash those who don't maintain the majority's own "godly" views.
I guess we're obligated to the do-gooders godly views not our own views. Well, so much for freedom of religion, eh? Not in this country, anyway.
While I agree that anything revolving around sex has gotten far too much attention lately in the media ad nauseum, said obsession has now bitten a DC crony right where it hurts, and now said obsession will probably be affiliated with other DC cronies, and it'll be all over the news, blah blah blah.
I'd love to see a headline like "DC crony caught working in a soup kitchen...news at 7". but it'll never happen because ost pols like photo ops and most media think that's rather boring.
"most", not "ost".
That would be boring.
Maybe, but it's better than this obsession we seem to have with everything salacious.
Reverend Riley, I know of very few clerics of any faith who have publicly called for the legalization of prostitution. Even fewer still, I suspect, have intimated that prostitution is something other than sinful. (See, for example, the Seventh Chapter of Luke's Gospel in which Christ forgives the "sins" of the prostitute who washes His feet with her tears.)
Why do you suppose your support for legalized prostitution is in such sharp contrast with the views held by the overwhelming majority of clerics and theologians alike?
it'll get attention when the DC madam is referred to as a "nappy headed ho"..
"Hello, Imus be going
I cannot stay
I came to say
Imus be going
I'm glad I came
But just the same
Imus be going
I'll stay a week or two
I'll stay the summer through
But I am telling you
Imus be going"
With all due apologies to Groucho and nobody else.
In response to anonymous: Of course, prostitution is a sin. What I said is that not every sin ought to be a crime. We can't have laws on the books for misdemeanor coveting, can we?
I should have prefaced my Groucho song with the fact that it was a remark about the name "i miss imus".
I guess I misread what you wrote.
Even still, I could never bring myself to support legalized prostitution. I've heard all the arguments for and against it, but in the end, I believe that prostitution scars women in a way that we men could never fully appreciate.
actually, there are sicko men who enjoy scarring/scarred women a little too much and fully appreciate it.. but that's another ABC news special..
So the moral of this story is that there are too many ABC news specials.
it was all hype anyway..no one was revealed...ABC's constant promos of this big story was just like the DC madam and her co-ho's..all a big tease and shameless self-promotion..
Kinda like The O'Reilly Factor.
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