Not to brag, but I'm a real humble guy
Well, OK. It wasn't the NewYork Times, exactly, just one columnist. And Peter Applebome was writing, shall we say, tongue-in-cheek when he gave me the apellation.
But, still....
He called to have me amplify some comments I made in a previous blog concerning whether certain pregnant women should be allowed to obtain temporary handicapped stickers that would allow them to park in those coveted spots.
"Let me go on record as saying that I'm generally in favor of anything that makes pregnant women less cranky,'' is the way I began that blog.
I honest to goodness didn't think that was a particularly courageous thing to say.
We would all agree, wouldn't we, that less cranky pregnant women is a positive good, wouldn't we?
Anyway, Mr. Applebome and I chatted for a few minutes about that group of pregnant women I call "the waddlers'' and their resemblance to certain flightless birds native to Antarctica.
And, even for somebody whose name and picture appear in print on a regular basis, it was a thrill to see my name there in the New York Times.
Not only that, but now I get to tell my kids, "You know, boys, when the New York Times gets in a bit of a jam, they know who to call for a pithy quote.''
That's just who I am, and in my own humble way, I just like to help out.
Arrogant disregard for people suffering for everyone's benefit is not courage.
everyone's benefit? explain to me how children are for everyone's benefit
that's right, anonymous,
children are useless. lets not have them anymore. sounds great, stupid
They don't make money. What are they good for? I am morally against bringing a child into this fallen world to pollute it with its potential adulthood. Foo.
Today's children will be paying for your Social Security, Medicare, Prescription Drugs and all of the other welfare payments that old people suck out of the pockets of the young.
Today's children will also be doing the work to provide all the services to us mostly worthless old forts.
i plan on dying young and pretty. i have no use for any of that garbage
if only your parents had had the same brilliant idea before your birth
life is second in absurdity only to death. nonexistance isn't absurd at all
absurd's the word
yeah. let's no one add comments to this blogpost anymore.
I was horrified by your comments as quoted in the N.Y. Times. While I usually appreciate your humot in thecolumns, you went too far in trivializing the p.g. women in handicapped parking issue. First, you belittled larger women. More importan,t you don't "get" the parking needs of people with real disabilities. Not only is the closeness of spots important, but the access aisle is essential for wheelchair, walker, or van-with-lift users to enter and exit their vehicles. Pregnancy is not a disability. If a p.g. woman has a medical condition related to her pregnancy she already can get a temporary parking permit.
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