What we hang on to, what gives us comfort when we grieve is a glimpse
into the human heart. Now that certain 911 calls from the Twin Towers have
been made public, we get a glimpse into the heart of a man who has suffered
a loss that none of us should: the death of a child.
I was watching the morning news yesterday and heard the 911 call of
one Christopher Hanley. Hanley was calm and collected and ended the call
with the words: ''Please hurry.''
Hanley died on 9/11.
So, now, those were the last words his father ever heard him say. Joseph
Hanley told a reporter, "It's nice that he said 'please'.''
It was enough to bring tears to my eyes - as a father, as a son,
as a human being.
Single moments, single words: ''Please.'' ''Love.'' ''Come.''
Single lives are built on them and remembered through them.
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