Thursday, November 09, 2006
They say you can find anything on the Internet. Ha! I have found out-of-print books I've wanted, and the odd gadget now and again. But there are some things that have eluded me. To wit: A video version of the PBS "Great Performances'' show airing of "The Gospel According to Colonus,'' the Greek tragedy staged as an African American church service. Can't find it. A written copy of the play "Hospitality Suite'' later made into a movie called "The Big Kahuna" with Kevin Spacey and Danny DeVito. I've got the movie, but I can't find the script. I'd also like to get my hands on either the video or text of a one-man play called "Rattlesnake In a Cooler.'' If anyone can help me in my search, I'd appreciate it.
I saw that, need to enroll first...also re: "Hospitality Suite", I googled and eventually found author of play's own website, maybe you can contact him directly (nowhere on site to email but he gives his mailing address/ph# info). It is: and address: Roger Rueff, Ph.D
2148 Sunderland Court
Naperville, IL. 60565
(630)428-3857..happy hunting!
I also googled frank south , the author and found he gave a seminar in hawaii in 2004 about his "rattlesnake in a cooler" work and there happened to be an email...I sent an inquiry to it and to my surprise, his wif margaret just replied to it and gave me his email in hawaii..apparently he is an entertainment columnist is did not reply, thought you might like to...I feel like a regular McGiver!
just got a reply from PBS Great Performances head of Thirteen Member & Viewer Relations re: DVD/video of 1980's "Gospel at Colonus"..his name & #: Scott McClintock (212) 560-2888.."unfortunately, broadcast rights restrictions currently preclude a home vide/DVD release of "the Gospel at Colonus". Writ again in the beginning of the year to find out if any rights issues changed or if this program will be scheduled for a repeat performance". Hope this a bit's your search going so far for those 3 "wish list items"?
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