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GannettUSA Today

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Earth to Mars: Ooops!

A geology professor at Washington State University has come up with the idea that when the first Mars probes landed on Mars 30 years ago, the tests NASA performed to look for life might have wound up destroying the very microbes they were looking for.

The Mars probes weren't looking for cells that worked with a mix of water and hydrogen peroxide, and the Viking landers tests involved processes that would have drowned and/or overheated the little buggers, according to Professor Dirk Schulze-Makuch.

And God looks upon Earth and casts a gimlet eye our way. He's not happy, and if you listen carefully you can almost hear him say: "You see? This is why we can't have nice things in this solar system!''


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That explains why Pluto no longer a planet..maybe God was angry with scientists mishandling data, etc. so He put pluto in an extraterrestrial timeout...

5:28 PM, January 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But this same God looks fondly upon embryonic stem cell research and perhaps even chuckles when you, Mr. Riley, refer to those lost souls as " forsaken frozen petrie dish dwellers?"

9:20 AM, January 11, 2007  

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