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Friday, June 01, 2007

Another shameless plug

Just a reminder that this Sunday night (June 3) the East Brunswick Library will present "Scars, Tatoos, and the Funny Bone: An Evening With Michael Riley.''
And yes, I'm as surprised as some of you are that people would actually attend such an event. Even my wife Susan isn't all that thrilled about the prospect. Allthough, in truth, I won't be eating Cheetos in my underwear watching TV, which is how a good many evenings with Michael Riley end up.
The shindig is scheduled to go from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. , so we should have you home in time for the penultimate episode of the Sopranos.
I'll be telling some stories and hawking my book, and I at least usually have fun. So maybe I'll see you there. For more info and directions, go to


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you retitle it to spell Tattoos correctly, especially in a library (or is that liberry)? Good luck, hope can attend one day at an event closer to me and meet you because I share your warped sense of humor and many of your ideas, too...

12:18 PM, June 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good thing you did not title this blog the same as previous blog.."What price stupidity? 20 Bucks"..I am assuming there is no admit fee to your event...aside from "hawking" your book, do you also sell T-shirts, CD's or have an open guitar case for attendees to toss in some loose change?

12:35 PM, June 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...I won't be eating Cheetos in my underwear..."

How do Cheetos get in your underwear?

8:38 PM, June 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope they weren't a thong...crunchy..

3:39 PM, June 03, 2007  

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