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GannettUSA Today

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Sex around the world

A study published in the April issue of something called the Archives of Sexual Behavior has shown that out of folks in the 29 countries surveyed, Austrians are most satisfied with their sex lives. And the Japanese apparently are the least happy with the whoopee being made (or not made) in the Land of The Rising Sun.

Americans, by the way, are pretty pleased with the way things are going in the boudoir. We come in at No. 5 on the list.

The author of the study reaches the conclusion that sexual satisfaction is highest in cultures where men and women have relationships based on gender equality, rather than on, well, whatever else you could base such a relationship on, or at least what a lot of Japanese base theirs on.

Apart from the question of what the Austrians (and the Spanish and the Canadians and the Belgians) have on us, I'd say the conclusion is pretty obvious. Let me use a Biblical metaphor: If you and your partner are on the mountaintop, ready to enter the Promised Land, and one of you consistently runs ahead to get there first ... well, let's just say that, over time, you're both going to spend 40 years in the wilderness.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:26 AM, May 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leave it once again to Michael, to bring the libido into the realms of literary and journalistic respectability, throwing in a biblical metaphor or two to boot!
For all you Riley fans, you're invited on Friday, May 19th at 7:30 PM as our church hosts Mike for a special literary evening, "Scars, Tatoos and the Funny Bone." Lincroft Presbyterian Church, at the corner of W. Front St. and Everett Lincroft. 732-741-8921. Admission is $5, and his book "OnlyHuman" will also be on sale.

Take it from a fellow clergy, Mike has a special presence in person beyond his holy writ!

Pastor Brian Croak
Lincrfoft Presbyterian Church

9:35 AM, May 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I betcha the author was an Austrian
fella and his wife was not Japanese..just an uneducated hunch..

12:05 AM, May 03, 2006  

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