Up, up and away!
"How dare the movie makers take that away from the Man of Steel?'' these hosts and callers fume. "Just one more example of spineless liberal muddle.''
A couple of points. In the first place, Superman isn't real. Conservatives seem to have some trouble separating fact from fiction. Remember when Dan Quayle gave "Murphy Brown'' a dressing down for having a child of wedlock? In the second place, while Superman did kick Nazi butt during WWII, it's not a new idea that he sees himself as a citizen of the planet and protector of same.
Speaking of planets, Superman ain't from around here. These same folks bemoaning the lack of a cliche in a movie would be the first people to send the Kryptonian packing. The guy's an illegal alien, for Pete's sake! They'd have the Immigration folks his case faster than a speeding bullet.
What, precisely, bothered you about then Vice President Quayle's speech? That he made reference to a well-known television character when speaking about children growing up in fatherless homes?
Whether you like to admit it or not, Dan Quayle was right. Our entire society is paying a very high price because of the increasingly large number of children growing up in single-parent homes. Incidentally, when is the last time you took a look at the number of people who are imprisoned in this country? Do you think there just might be a correlation between the rising number of single-parent homes in this country and the dramatic increase in our prison population? Moreover, do you think we imprison more or less people now than we did when Dan Quayle made that speech more than a dozen years ago?
Exactly what qualifications does The Asbury Park Press look for in a writer/blogger anyway? A pulse?
I feel uncomfortable in the position of defending Riley, but the posting by "Anonymous" above is way off the mark. He doesn't understand Riley's wit. Oh, we all know Riley has lots of faulty ideas and opinions, but he is an outstanding writer, especially when he is using humor.
hey, anonymous..lighten up..it's a satirical, witty blog site and you, apparently have no sense of humor at all!
"A couple of points. In the first place, Superman isn't real. Conservatives seem to have some trouble separating fact from fiction."
Actually conservatives have no problem separating fact from fiction. That is not the problem. The problem is that future facts are influenced by fiction and ideas have consequences. That is the reason that "The pen is mightier than the swordd" is an oft repeated quote. Fiction has always had a powerful impact on human action. "Gulliver's Travels", "Alice in Wonderland" and "To Kill a Mockingbird" are just a few works of fiction that have had a huge impact on human societies. Making a movie of "To Kill a Mockingbird" substantially incresed its impact.
"Remember when Dan Quayle gave "Murphy Brown" a dressing down for having a child of wedlock?" Those of us with more depth to our memories also remember that the lady who played Murphy Brown later stated that Dan Qualye was right. Why? Because the fictional Murphy Brown was created largely to function as a contemporary role model for young women. The show was another example of the power of fiction in influencing the real actions of real people. So the furst point is pure drivel.
Dan Quayle was right on the mark, yet the liberal press ridiculed him because he spelled potato wrong.Fast forward to Al Gore who had to ask "who is this guy?"as he stared at a bust of George Washington and needlessly released millions of gallons of water down a river for a photo op. Double standards anyone?
Why do so-called conservatives spend so much time going on about the "liberal, left-wing press?" No one is more conservative than I am, but I don't see the press as biased, not in their news reporting.
If these silly right-wing "poor us" types would read and reflect about true conservatism, they would cease to waste their time complaining about all of their imagined enemies in the press. Then they could get on with life.
I agree with nickfera...can't we all just get along and play nice in our societal sandbox?..hey, you! don't you dare throw that sand!
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