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GannettUSA Today

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Indecent even in exile

Jim McGreevey is not a nice man. There is some solace, I suppose, in the realization that sexual orientation does not immunize someone from being mean-spirited and despicable.
The former governor, who, many believe, came out of the closet in order to stay out of the hoosegow, is now fighting for sole custody of his daughter and demanding child support from the child's mother -- a woman not so much scorned as lied to and used as a prop.
There's something petty about all of this, something small and cold.
I think of Joseph's Welch's response to Joe McCarthy's outrages back in the fifties: "Have you, at long last, no decency sir?''


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an ex-governor,after his divorce, will the NJ taxpayers be liable for his "Partner's" benefits too since they will probably take advantage of the new civil marriage laws?..that would be injustice, too...

2:53 PM, March 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A man's character is his fate." -- Heraclitus

Instilling proper values in our children is perhaps one of the most important things a parent will ever have to do. Get it right and you can take comfort in the fact that your child will fare well in life regardless of what is thrown his or her way. Get it wrong and your kid is doomed.

For a whole lot of reasons that have nothing whatsoever to do with sexual orientation, the judge hearing McGreevey's petition for sole custody of his daughter ought to look our former governor in the eye and say, "You, sir, are in no position whatsoever to teach morals to anyone, much less to a child. Your daughter will remain with her mother."

2:19 PM, March 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Get it right and you can take comfort in the fact that your child will fare well in life regardless of what is thrown his or her way." -- Papinian

Amen. (And thanks Mom & Dad!)

Are you telling me you've never seen an angel?

11:01 PM, March 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:04 PM, March 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He showed you the picture of the angel in the video. What's the matter, Ray, don't you believe in angels?

10:16 AM, March 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "angel" is his mother.

12:27 AM, March 20, 2007  

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