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GannettUSA Today

Monday, May 07, 2007

God save the Queen

I hope the Queen of England is having a swell time here in the former colonies. On the other hand, hasn't she been here long enough for us to say, "Don't let the door hit your bustle on the way out, Your Highness.'' Honestly, didn't we open a can of whoop ass on the British a couple of centuries ago precisely because we didn't want the high-falutin' hoity-toidy crowned heads of Europe coming over here and eating all our finger sandwiches?
I have never understood Americans' fascination with the British royal family. We don't like airs, polo, crowns and thrones.
Paris Hilton purportedly once said that she's the closest thing we have to royalty in this country.
If by "royalty'', she means a "vapid, empty-headed symbol of an empire in decline''....BINGO!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

She actually said that? Well, the princess is going to jail for a time. And she can't bring her pooch, either.

12:52 PM, May 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be too hard on QE II. The British Royals are largely German: the houses of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha + Hannover. The Queen is merely a symbol, barred from all political activity. We colonials would have revolted against any government in London, whether a monarchy or a democracy. If we'd been given representation in Parliament, we'd have been outvoted at every turn. Anyway, taxes on the colonists were far lower than in metropolitan Britain. We can welcome the Queen as a representative of our British cousins, without wanting to adopt her.

12:53 PM, May 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paris soon will be taking out her hair extensions, wearing no designer duds or makeup and cleaning toilets like the rest of her highness's subjects..

4:05 PM, May 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We really do need some royalty of our own -- someone we can burn in effigy when we get really mad. In the meantime, Bush and Cheney will have to do.

11:27 PM, May 07, 2007  

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