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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Getting the hang of this blogging thing

There's a lot of "Let's you and him fight'' in this blogging stuff.
I post a little something and then watch people go at each other like Sunnis and Shiites at a potluck supper.
It's a sight to behold. Occasionally, there's a glancing blow to something I've said, but most of the time it's like I'm not even there.
A blog posted lasted week titled "The chicken and egg of faith and politics'' has garnered quite a bit of response (at least as far my blog goes) and my, oh my, has the fur been flying.
I do find some things interesting:
The unbeliever "Ray'' springs to my defense at least when he's not belittling the hard-won faith of others ; "Margaret'' is a voice of reason and then will suddenly suggest that "immorality is a word that Mr. Riley scoffs at, I think... '' as if I'm some sort of melodrama villain who ties young widows to the railroad tracks just to get the deed to the homestead. (That's the government these days - abuse of eminent domain and all that)
Then there's the guy who raises the question of whether I drink alcohol at lunch. (Look, I'm just as much of a "it's five o'clock somewhere'' as the next imbiber but I bet you could count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I've had a beer at lunch when I have to go back to work. Which is saying something -- I've had editors where a mid-day bump might seem to lesser folks an essential requirement for going back to the office.) He also wonders why I haven't risen to his challenge, but I can't for the life of me figure out what the challenge is. Both liberals and conservatives can point to their faith as undergirding their political positions. That's all I said.
It's interesting that a lot of this comes down to sex, as if the most important thing the sovereign creator of the universe has on his omniscient mind is making sure where everybody's naughty bits are all the livelong day.
There's a lot of sinful sex going on in consecrated marriage beds. When a husband or wife engages in sex with his or her lawfully wedded spouse and reduces the other to an object in pursuit of his or her own pleasure, that's sin. Sin is always more than an act devoid of context.
My personal ethic falls somewhere between the old adage, "You should try everything once, except for incest and clog dancing'' on the one hand and "let's stone the gays, and make women keep their heads covered in church while we're at it'' on the other. What rules are eternally inviolate and which are culture bound?
Ethics is a tough business and anybody who thinks it's easy, even with the Bible open in front of them, just isn't thinking straight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogging as a form of communication is lacking much. It is so imperfect. I can type something and think that I am clear, when in reality, it can be interpreted very differently by the many readers here.

Yet here I am. Here we are. You post something and we react to it.

It might be one sentence that can send us off into a snit. You might say something quite cavalier and think it's amusing. It might well be. I've laughed at your stuff before. I've even cried at your writings, because you are gifted in expressing human emotion on paper (or blogs).

Some cavalier things, or even some things you truly believe may not be so well've got a whole bunch of people here with different ideas as to what is okay or not okay.

Sometimes your words just rub me the wrong way. Can't help it.

Your views as expressed in these blogs in regard to sexual issues are...well, just not compatible with my own views. I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. So, therein lies the conflict.

I apologize if I offended you in my opinion that you scoff at immorality. The word "immorality" was too general a word to have been used, and probably when read made you think I believed you to be a mistachioed scoundrel...whatever. Not so.

Finally, things go way off course here very easily, when one person decides to insult another, get his or her goat, or whatever other verbal taunt happens to come about.

It is hard to resist replying to such things, in some cases, though I think it is sometimes wise to do so.


12:31 PM, June 20, 2007  
Blogger said...

Dear Mr. Riley,

I am perplexed by this post that references me, though not by name, as though you don't know me.

I thought we had a very nice half day together when you interviewed me for a piece you were doing about the art of persuasion. I've always looked back fondly on the day.

My assumption that you had as nice of a time as I did is that you did accompany me afterward to Harry's Roadhouse (it was after work, not lunch time). If I recall correctly, we ran into Bruce Springsteen there.

You seem to suggest in this post that I was accusing you of mid-day drinking. My post was exactly the opposite, friend: I recall from our meet that you are a religious man, and I don't know how you would feel about your readers knowing you were in a bar with me, so I made clear that I DIDN'T racall you drinking, to be respectful of you. I, on the otherhand, proudly was drinking.

Then you say this:

"He also wonders why I haven't risen to his challenge, but I can't for the life of me figure out what the challenge is."

I believe good sir, the challange was yours. When you drop a line about liberalism being more compatible with Christianity than conservativism, you certainly know that you have dropped the challange to someone like me, who takes his Chritianity and conservatism seriously.

Your exact quote from your prior post:

"And yet, I would make the case that it is precisely because I'm a Christian that my politics on social issues tend to skew liberal. The bedrock values of the Gospel seem to me to include mercy, forgiveness, tolerance and unconditional love of even the enemy. As I try, however imperfectly, to make those values part of my worldview, it seems to me that however stupid some liberals are (and there are plenty of 'em), I'd rather take my stand with them than the conservatives I hear on talk radio."

Today you say this:

"Both liberals and conservatives can point to their faith as undergirding their political positions. That's all I said."

That's all you said? Really? I suggest you line up the two assertions side by side. They aren't even close to the same thing.

In the first you assert that liberalism is more related to Gospel values than conservatism. In the second you don't do that.

I didn't "challange" you to a duel, a boxing match or a game of checkers. I simply asked you to explain your assertion that my politics are less aligned with the Gospel than yours.

It is, you must concede, quite a provacative assertion. Can you blame me for seeking a follow-up?

If I were a hot head I would tell you how insulting your assertion is, by claiming I follow the word of Jesus in some inferior fashion to you.

To the contrary, I believe I've been polite and respectful.

So you did not explain your religious cut to conservatism in the comments of your original post.

In this post, you give me that feeling one gets when people are standing next me discussing me, and I have to say, "Hello, I'm right here!"

Perhaps your assertion was a slip not resulting from any real contemplation, in which case I forgive you (that's my Christianity shining though).

I wish you luck with your blog, Mr. Riley. Maybe we'll meet someday and have a nice time again.

7:24 PM, June 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The unbeliever "Ray'' springs to my defense at least when he's not belittling the hard-won faith of others..."

Hey! I resemble that remark!

How does one "win" faith and why is it hard to come by? I think it's a lot easier to choose faith than it is to put it aside. In fact, given societal norms, it's the easiest path to take.

12:52 AM, June 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That guy Ray is really smart. You should listen to him!

12:53 AM, June 21, 2007  
Blogger Michael Riley said...

Well, Margaret, thank you for not equating me with Snidely Whiplash and his ilk,
It's hard to remember everybody I've ever interviewed, especially when somebody is using a nom de blog. But I think I know who who is. And yes we did have a nice ime and we did meet Mr. Springsteen (another unreconstructed liberal by the way)
My original post the one that started this rhubarb did at the end reference that fact that both liberals and conservaties point to their faith as the fount of their liberal ideas, and both think they are right. We should have adrink to together sometime again.
Ray, I wake up every morning full of hope and faith, but the day tends to beat it up some. That's part of what I meant by hard won. As someone once said, "pretending is easy; faith is hard.

5:26 AM, June 21, 2007  
Blogger margaret said...

Mr. Riley, just so you know, Bob Ingle's blogs sometimes have 50 or so comments, and people go off on wilder rants (if you can believe) than the one's we've been on here. Politics seems to be a rather passionate theme too.

It just means you're hitting a nerve...making us think...

7:57 AM, June 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"As someone once said, "pretending is easy; faith is hard."

In my neck of the woods believing is pretending.

BTW, the only person I've belittled here is Spooky, since I think very little of him. In every other instance, I've debated. I hope we know the difference between debate and belittlement. Unfortunately, some people see debate as an attack on their beliefs. Yes, I push and instigate, but I do it to challenge and draw people into debate.

11:59 PM, June 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never encountered someone before with such a need to do so, however, Ray.


8:39 AM, June 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is because you probably don't deal with many mentally ill people Margaret.

Ray belittles whatever he doesn't understand and those who he can't deal with any other way. He resorted to calling me names before too.

btw - I'm betting Riley is Ray. If not, then one of Rileys sons is.

12:49 PM, June 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As amusing as I find Ray's banter, sorry, but it's at least not this Riley son.

8:23 PM, June 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not think Mr. Riley is Ray, Donna. Their blogging styles are vastly different.

I remember that Ray was pretty hard on you...don't let that get to you because there's a lot to respond to here and it's good to have a voice such as yours here :)


9:04 AM, June 24, 2007  
Blogger Michael Riley said...

Oh, for the love of Pete, donna...I honest to God don't have time to to argue with myself and name that voice in my head "Ray'' For God's sake, I'm married with 4 kids and on top of that I have all of you to contend with. Believe me, my plate and my dance card are both full

5:49 PM, June 24, 2007  
Blogger said...

I will soon be doing a column in the triCityNews about the report that was released showing that news reporters gave to Democrats over Republicans by a 9 to 1 margin.

Now that Riley has let loose with his tripe about Democrats being closer to the Bible than Republicans, I can give the piece a local flavor.

Look for the column in the next couple of weeks.

8:32 PM, June 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did the study happen to say anything about how much more media corporation owners gave to Republicans?

5:28 PM, June 25, 2007  
Blogger said...


I hope you will provide me with at least a link or title so I can confirm what you say there.

6:43 PM, June 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

donna wrote:
"btw - I'm betting Riley is Ray. If not, then one of Rileys sons is."

Michael Riley?... dad?... Michael Riley?... dad? Oh, my head hurts!

Hey, Mike, I mean dad, can I borrow the car this weekend?

11:53 PM, June 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Donna, I'm really Papinian/Papist/Pat/Whomever and I just like arguing with myself. Gotcha!

Seriously, though, how could anyone for one second think there really is a guy like ol' Spooky? What were you thinking?

11:57 PM, June 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I've never encountered someone before with such a need to do so, however, Ray."

Well we could sit around and compliment each other on our prose if that makes you feel any better.

So how's the weather by you?

12:03 AM, June 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"That is because you probably don't deal with many mentally ill people Margaret."

I've been belittled! Oh, the agony! The pain! The embarrassment! The... oh, wait, it's not that bad, really.

Never mind.

12:08 AM, June 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wasn't making a claim, I was just asking if that data was included in the study you were discussing. It's just a saying I've heard when discussing how biased the media is.
The journalists are liberal; the people who pay them are conservative.
Not sure how true it is, but it makes enough sense.
I'll check out your if I get a chance, though.

12:31 AM, June 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The weather is awesome, and your prose is about that?

Was wondering what happened to usually don't ignore challenges.


7:00 AM, June 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hey, Donna, I'm really Papinian/Papist/Pat/Whomever and I just like arguing with myself. Gotcha!" -- Ray

Sorry to burst your bubble, Captain Paranoia, but I'm not Donna.

11:24 AM, June 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spoky wrote:
"Sorry to burst your bubble, Captain Paranoia, but I'm not Donna."

No need to call me Captain. SEÑOR DESPOOKIFIER will do just fine.

BTW, Spooky, no one called you Donna. Perhaps your private fantasy world is catching up to you?

12:38 AM, June 27, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was away and missed this orig blog..wonder how riley would characterize me ? ray I love "yar" sense of humor and I also am proud to denounce paps/pat/spooky because he is truly a scary fella hiding behind many blog names and in other blogsites as well..but, because his manifesto is so recognizable (yawn), it is evident who he is by what he spews..Margaret, I am sure you are a nice woman (as I have been told I am , too) but I seem to agree more with ray (although I am not an agnostic- nothing wrong with that at all, ray..I truly believe "to each his/her own" as long as no senseless killing/maiming involved to further one's personal faith/beliefs/causes...blogsites are like any other part of society, except we can express our views anonymously and that is when we can really let loose..good or bad..lighten up everyone..Life really is too short...

1:45 PM, June 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know whether I am nice...I have convictions, and frankly am concerned about the goings on in the world, dg.

I do agree with Ray at times (he says the fact that we do agree means the end of the world) though not often; I try to keep an open mind.

I enjoy Mr. Riley's writings much of the time and then he'll throw in something off the wall and I can't let it go w/o saying something...want to be more like that outside of blog life . Like you said, we can be anonymous and speak our minds here moreso than anywhere else.


6:25 PM, June 29, 2007  

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