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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Wait a minute! College kids are having sex?

Indeed they are, and researchers at the University of Texas have spent five years figuring out why. They have just published their findings in the August issue of the "Archives of Sexual Behavior.'' (Renew your subscription now and they'll throw in a variety of marital aids! -- No, they won't.)
I think these folks have pretty much locked up the Nobel Prize for something or other.
Discovering precisely why young adults make ''the beast with two backs'' as the Bard would put it is surely as profound as cracking the Rosetta Stone or inventing the transistor.
How many of you have been scratching your heads over this question? None of you. You already know, either because you are a young adult or have been one at some point.
If there is something interesting to be gleaned from the findings, it's this: The "men are from Mars, women are from Venus'' thesis is claptrap. Apparently, at that age, all of us hail from the Planet Libido.
Most of the top 10 reasons men gave for having sex are in the top 10 list for women as well.
Here they are as found in news story on
Men's top 10 reasons:
1. I was attracted to the person.
2. It feels good.
3. I wanted to experience physical pleasure.
4. It’s fun.
5. I wanted to show my affection to the person.
6. I was sexually aroused and wanted the release.
7. I was “horny.”
8. I wanted to express my love for the person.
9. I wanted to achieve an orgasm.
10. I wanted to please my partner.
Women's top 10 reasons:
1. I was attracted to the person.
2. I wanted to experience physical pleasure.
3. It feels good.
4. I wanted to show my affection to the person.
5. I wanted to express my love for the person.
6. I was sexually aroused and wanted the release.
7. I was “horny.”
8. It’s fun.
9. I realized I was in love.
10. I was “in the heat of the moment.”
Lot of overlap, there, don't you think? Some of these reasons seem like distinctions without differences.
Five years it took to get all this? I could have told them all they needed to know in five minutes....which my wife says is part of the problem.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there any doubt that we now live in a society that is thoroughly secular and only nominally religious?

8:50 PM, August 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so are junior high and high school kids..wake up people..and smell the hormones

10:14 PM, August 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And then they get married and the sex comes to a grinding halt.

3:02 PM, August 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A grinding halt? Is that to be taken literally or is it some form of sex I'm not familiar with?

11:51 PM, August 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 3:02pm, speak for yourself! I feel sorry for YOU!

1:09 AM, August 04, 2007  

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