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GannettUSA Today

Monday, May 08, 2006

"I've only got two hands!''

I was booming down Route 35 over the weekend and happened to drive past (and let me stress the "drive past'' part here, lest anyone get the wrong idea) a local strip club. The amazing thing was its marquee, which announced that it would be showing a televised boxing match one night soon.

Now, I'm as big a fan of multi-tasking as the next guy, but this seemed fundamentally wrong to me somehow. Watching two men pummel each other has its charms, apparently, but doesn't putting it on TV in a gentleman's club pretty much undercut the whole point of the place, which is to watch scantily clad women pole dance (and occasionally wrestle each other in a tub of Jell-O)?

Do the dancers' tips go down during the boxing match? Am I missing something here?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girls who dance in their underwear, boxing matches on TV, etc. are all done to help patrons deceive themselves about their real purpose for going there: to drink alcohol.

2:40 PM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hopefully there will be a K.O. in the first round..or maybe the girls can place bets on the boxing match outcome..or maybe the boxing match IS between the girls in the club, in g-strings(and/or jello)maybe that is what is being televised! you guys and your fantasies! JUST DRIVE ON BY STRAIGHT HOME TO YOUR WOMEN!

5:56 PM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

''driving past'' suuuure

3:53 PM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps the men at the strip club would rather watch two sweaty men with skimpy shorts grabbing and holding each other.Thank God there's a referee in the ring to break things up.

4:37 PM, May 16, 2006  

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