On a day like this
with my red wings on.
Told the sun it better go back down ..."
-- Tom Waits, "Mr. Seigal''
I'm pretty sure that Waits performed his grievous bodily harm to the dawn's early morning light owing to the effects of a particularly hangover. I know how he feels, and I don't even drink on weekdays. You wake up every morning, resurrected to a new day, and the news comes on and you feel like you are working off a bender.
North Korea is setting off nukes, a particularly forceful way to flip the bird to the world. It looks like we liberated Iraq right into a civil war, Sunnis and Shiites killing each other and our soldiers. The people of Iran go to bed at night, dreaming of a world without Israel and hoping North Korea might pass a little fissionable material their way without catching the teacher's eye.
You want to have hope, and you do wake up and get through the day somehow.
How do you keep your hopes up in a world that seems like it's circling the drain?
Well, for starters, you can pray that a San Fransisco liberal like Nancy Pelosi never finds her way to the Speaker's Chair of the United States House of Representatives.
That said, I've seen the polls. Indeed, we are in for some rocky days ahead. God help us all.
What's The Score?: A Look At the 2006 Midterm Election Poll Numbers (Updated Daily)
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for someone who criticizes riley's column/blog and continues his immature personal attacks on him, you sure seem like a true fan by checking in everyday! what a hypocrite! move on anonymous,try volunteering as a hospice caregiver or do something more meaningful with your time!
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