Hello, stranger!
I called the number and Roger Rueff, the author, actually answered the phone. He told me he doesn't usually give copies of his work to individuals. I said I understood. The conversation did not end there. We spoke for about an hour, about our kids, our lives, what we do to pay the bills (he teaches business writing seminars).
When I told him I used to be a Baptist pastor, the conversation became good and lively.
I tend to surprise people because I don't think I fit their model of a Baptist minister (even over the phone.)
We bemoaned the fact that the bullies seem to have taken over evangelicalism in America, and we discussed the nature, philosophy and theology of funeral services.
It's great to talk to someone who is witty and erudite (much like yourselves, actually)
He said some really fine things describing young theater critics as those who "aspire to be jaded.''
He quoted Woody Allen: "If Jesus came back today and saw what was being done in his name, he wouldn't stop throwing up.''
The playwright also said that when people perform his play, he makes it clear that they cannot change or clean up the language. This puts him one stop above journalists who are always having their words changed and cleaned up by editors.
As the conversation went on, I thought the only thing missing was a long mahogony bar and a few cold ones.
Strangers connecting and enjoying a convwersation. Whoda thunk it?
Maybe you and I ought to get together for a drink and a conversation - or does that defeat the purpose of a blog?
We could all wear nametags, except that 90 percent of you would be called Anonymous.
"He quoted Woody Allen: 'If Jesus came back today and saw what was being done in his name, he wouldn't stop throwing up.'" -- Michael Riley
Woody Allen? Yeah, there's a paragon of virtue for you.
I am so happy you were able to contact him..I looked online on a whim to see if I could meet your challenge and I do believe in serendipity! If you ever want to do a story on the Red Cross, I work in their Lifeline dept. in Tinton Falls (medical alert buttons) and also volunteer and can direct you to our PR guy to clear anything.. I am only one working there with initials "dg"..good luck with any other leads.
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