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Friday, April 06, 2007

Easter thought

Whoever it is that we want or hope or believe Jesus to be -- defender of traditional morality or radical iconoclast, we Christians can all agree that on Easter Sunday he got up from the grave and changed, if not the whole world, at least those who believe in him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christ is Risen! Happy Easter.

One Solitary Life

3:07 PM, April 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yum my chocolate jesus is tasty!

7:30 PM, April 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is Risen, not just for a group of people, but for all. He never was elitist. He never turned his back on anyone, even the elitists. His frineds were tax collectors, prostitutes, people who screwed up, and were screwed up. He reached them. He reaches me, and I hope today is a good one for all

8:29 AM, April 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

or Imus ..or Al sharpton?

12:19 AM, April 10, 2007  
Blogger margaret said...

Ray, you mention only Republicans and conservative tv personalities here...why? What about James Carville, Hilary Clinton and Bryant Gumbel, to name a few Dems and/or liberals who would surely take a pot shot at Christ? Let's be real.

6:02 AM, April 11, 2007  
Blogger margaret said...

I have no accusations, Ray, other than to say that the aforementioned would take pot shots at Christ. Do you only find evil in one sector of humanity, Ray? It's in many.

6:58 PM, April 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I seem to be unable to get my password to work so I'll have to respond as 'anonymous'.

Your lack of specific charges tells me that you're just venting against people you don't like. If you can't be specific you must be making things up. I, OTOH, was specific and based my opinion on something real, i.e. the demonstrable difference between what these alleged Christians say and what Jesus taught.

- Ray

10:49 PM, April 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ray, I've been having problems loggingon too. My passwrod doesn't work and then I have to relog on, and I had to make another password. This is all in the past week. then the blogger thing told me to clear my helped a little. I hope it helps you.

I just don't want to fight with you because I don't have a lot of time to formulate my answers. I have other things I am doing. I know this much: james Carville and Hilary and bryant are absolutely (shall I say it) venomous when it comes to what they call "right wing fanatics" and I abhor that designation by people who just want to here themselves rant. It makes for resentment. I realize Ray, that Ann Coulter and what's his name - Rush Limbaugh (who I can't even listen to) are just as big mouthed and wrong. My point is that there are more rotten apples on both side of the family tree. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for reading.

7:31 AM, April 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm margaret as anon right now...

7:31 AM, April 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've just found out that if you're having trouble with the system rejecting your password you can choose "Other" as an identity and use your regular name. Of course, that probably means that other people can use your name, too.

11:17 PM, April 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would they want to (use my name)?? :)

11:31 PM, April 16, 2007  

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