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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

"The Break Up'' fight

When Sue and I go on date night, we make it a point not to go to the movies. Both of us figure that sitting in the dark for two hours and watching a movie is no way to foster togetherness, closeness and intimacy. We do other stuff on date night.
Movies have their place, on HBO and the like. Watching movies on TV also has the added advantage of discussing the action while it's happening. Sue and I were watching the Vince Vaughn-Jennifer Aniston movie "The Break Up" last night. A big fight between them started out small and got ratcheted up pretty quickly.
I turned to Sue and said, "Now are we supposed to conclude that the guy is the doofus here, the bad guy, or do the filmmakers want us to see that both parties are at fault?''
"The guy is in the wrong,'' Sue said.
"Now, hold on,'' I said. "The woman here is all over the map. One small problem (his unwillingness to help with the dishes immediately) and she's off to the races, with a litany of every bad thing this guy did or might have done, or didn't do but thought about it. I think it's a little more complicated than that guy is 100 percent wrong here.''
Sue said that's just what a guy would say.
The conversation went downhill from there.
Two things:
a) If you've seen the movie, who's right about the fight? And don't worry about being dragged into the middle of a marital spat: you're bloggers, for Pete's sake!
b) Shouldn't there be a special rating for movies that are almost certain to cause this kind of discord?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The new rating could be YRH.."You're right honey" could apply to either sex and covers the answer to any question about any far arguing about who does the dishes..answer: paper products...screw the that's a convenient truth...

11:19 PM, May 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If a man speaks in the woods where no woman can hear him, is he still wrong?

7:15 PM, May 16, 2007  

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