Musharraf: with friends like these...
Well, that was 10 billion of our tax dollars well spent.
Somebody should have told President Pervez Musharraf that in the good ol' US of A. we don't suspend the constitution: we just make it stay after school and stand in the corner.
Take a look at what Hugo Chavez is trying to do in Venezuela, ie, allow him to become president indefinitely (no term limits). Lots of stuff to be concerned about.
Maybe Musharraf got the idea from Dubya.
Looks like dubya's right.I smell WWIII and it smells "nucular" as he'd say.
Another armchair Secretary of State that offers criticism but no solutions. (Yawn)
No solutions? Hey! Just like the Bush administration!
more like yourself ray
Another pointless quip from another 'anonymous'.
BTW, your defense of Bush tells all about what your idea of a solution must be. Can you say 'exit strategy'?
No one defended Bush. He is just pointing out that you, Ray, often are critical without offering anything in the way of solutions.
uh..everything you spew.
A cop-out. That's what I was expecting.
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