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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

God bless gender reassignment

God doesn't make mistakes, but nature sometimes does.
Cleft palates, club feet, Quasimodo-like humps and idiots mouthing off about sex change operations being somehow sinful are cases in point.
There is a substitute teacher in Eagleswood who is going to have a sex change operation.
This kind of thing happens. There are people who were born one gender and yet cruelly outfitted at birth with the wrong anatomy.
Some people are, of course, outraged, that such a person should be allowed to be a part of civilized society and that the forces of heaven stand arrayed against such a person.
I believe gender reassignment procedures are no more anti-God than getting that club foot looked at.
In fact, since God is vitally interested in each of us becoming wholly and truly who we are meant to be in this life, it could well be argued that God blesses those with the strength and fortitude to undergo these procedures and the doctors who perform them, and those who wish the person well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for your compassionate approach to an uncomfortable debate.

I commend the school board for making this courageous and correct decision. This little group of citizens had no idea when they signed on, of the difficult tasks that would be asked of them, nor any way of predicting the firestorm of criticism and raw hatred, a most un-Christian attitude, that would be unleashed against them and the individual at the heart of the situation, for trying to do their jobs in the best way they can.

I am sure many soul-searching hours went into the decision to re-hire this person, knowing that there would most likely be trouble ahead no matter which side the board came down on.

There is always to be considered, critics should remember, obeying the laws of the United States, where it is unlawful to discriminate on basis of race, gender, religious views etc.

People who have made a knee-jerk "decison" about this situation and this person, might discover it is not necessarily the one he/she could arrive at after doing the hard intellectual work of examination of all aspects -- personal, public, ethical and legal with honesty and a clear sense of responsibility.

Holders of public office, high or low, even just a member of a school board in a small town in New Jersey, learn, if they are good public servants, when the responsibility is on your shoulders, "doing the right thing" is the weight you must carry.

Doing the right thing is the example their critics should be setting for the children they claim to be protecting. These critics should demonstrate for those children respect for the law, the rights of all people, and the compassion of their professed religious beliefs. These are principles that will serve those children well in the real world -- and the real world started the day they were born.

This school board should be supported by both patriots and Christians everywhere, not just in this little town, for upholding the principles of both traditions, and doing it with dignity and service above self.

9:07 AM, February 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Riley, The word of God says that we were made in His image. Yes both male and female, and God being perfect does not make mistakes. Sir by Ray's response you have caused error! It sounds like you are preaching your beliefs. Woe to those who lead the little children astray. The only one who is unsure about accountability is I am sorry to say and forgive me if this sounds hurtful, but it is you. Your comments are part of the reason the American Church has gone astray. Now I do not say you are the sole reason, the sole reason is that error in the church which is allowed to fester becomes doctrine. Sir your opinion on this subject is yours only and you are entitled to it but I would ask that if you are making opinion please state that as you have the title of Pastor attached to your name people might think you are quoting from some scripture of God's Holy word I do not hate the people you speak of and make no judgement on them. We are (as christians) to judge the body of believers, not them personally (Jesus will do that)but the actions,doctrines and false apostles. Sir I think that you are completely wrong in this matter and would ask that you reconsider your opinion. God Bless Tom K

9:50 AM, February 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who says "Woe to those who lead the children astray," anyway?

12:38 PM, February 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And God made Eve for Adam , until Eve told God I feel like a Steve.And so they became Adam and Steve and lived happily ever after in Sodom and Gommorrah.Revised Apostasy Bible.(RAB)

2:39 PM, February 23, 2006  

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