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GannettUSA Today

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Knock that (expletive deleted) off!

If you don't like President Bush, there are a host of reasons on the left and the right to support your opinion. But his recent open-mike gaffe, wherein he explained to Tony Blair his view of the best way to stem the current violence in the Middle East this way: "What they need to do is to get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this [expletive]" is not one of those reasons.
Most of us figure this is the way to solve the world's problems.
I call it "The Three Stooges'' Paradigm.
The United States, being Moe, gets the warring parties to declare a cease-fire by banging their heads together and saying, "Cut it out, you knuckleheads!" Any further aggression is met with a sharp poke in the eye.
The fact that Shep never entered the diplomatic corps (although easily upset John Bolton seems Shep-like) is proof, of course, that world diplomacy is never that simple.
Nyuck! Nyuck! Nyuck!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's not nyuck, nyuck, nyuck, but unfortunately will soon be "nuke, nuke, nuke"!..looks like pres. bush right about the 3 axes of evil..they are the 3 stooges..

7:42 PM, July 22, 2006  

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