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GannettUSA Today

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Is it hot in here or is just me?

First they said the earth wasn't getting hotter. All that global warming stuff was just nonsense, they said. "It was cold as the dickens last January,'' they said.
But eventually, practically every scientist in the world said, "It is too getting hotter.'' Most recently the National Academy of Sciences reported that the earth is getting hotter than its been in 12,000 years, and a whole bunch of glaciers are melting and bunches of plants, animals and bugs are moving toward the poles.
"Well, OK,'' they said. "Maybe the world is getting a touch warmer. But hey, climate happens. Don't go blaming my SUV and my soon-to-be-obsolete snowblower. Humans can't do squat to warm up the planet. It's cows, man. All that cud-burping methane.''
I don't understand why we have to take an either/or stand here.
Maybe the world is getting warmer all by its lonesome. But 6 billion humans (and Lord knows how many domesticated cows) spewing greenhouse gasses into the wild blue yonder can't help but matter.
So, whatever we can do to slow it down is fine by me. Because frankly, given the obesity epidemic in this country, I sure don't want to see most of you sweating in your T-shirts and Bermuda shorts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say, "save a tree, eat a beaver".

4:59 PM, October 07, 2006  

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