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GannettUSA Today

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

"Words, words, mere words'' or the old yakety-yak

Turns out I'm a bit of woman. You can imagine my surprise. Happily married, father of four and all of that.
But a recent study shows that women speak about three times more often than man in a day.
"That's strange,'' my wife said. "You talk more than anybody I know.''
"Do you think that's primarily because of my various careers as an orator, evangelist, and raconteur?'' I asked Sue.
"I think it's primarily because you never shut up,'' she answered.
Turns out that I'm more like a woman in one other respect. Men find their way around using abstract concepts like longitude, latitude and compass points. Women tend to rely on landmarks.
I'm a landmark man. You want to give me directions to your house, be sure to tell me to take a left at the Hooters, and I'll be there. (Right after I've had my fill of buffalo wings, of course.)
God knows what sort of prenatal hardwiring went on in my cranium. I do know this: men tend to think about sex a lot more than women do, and in that respect, I'm definitely male.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

obviously you think about it too much, too...

12:01 PM, November 28, 2006  

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