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GannettUSA Today

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Intelligent Design going the way of the dodo?

Right in our own back yard, in Pennsylvania, a court has made the schools safe for science once again. The whole Dover Township Intelligent Design brouhaha is over and some are gnashing their teeth that science has whupped religion.
No, it hasn't. All that was decided was that the doctrine of intelligent design (think creationism with looks and money) is more religion than science and therefore should not be taught in science classes.
Look, I'm a person of faith. But I agree with the late agnostic natural scientist Stephen Jay Gould, who said that religion and science are ""two noncompeting magisterium.''
In other words, they work different sides of the street and answer different sets of questions.
Personally, I'll say a prayer before I get on an airplane, but I don't want the designer of the airplane to work out the structure of the thing by doing all kinds of calculations and saying, "And then God does something, and the plane flies.''
And can we at least agree that the theory of evolution is more than just a shot in the dark?
I mean it's up there with Newton's theory of gravity, not down there with the theories about whether there was a second gunman on the grassy knoll in Dallas.
Give me faith and give me science, but don't give me one of them pretending to be the other, OK?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your point is well-taken, and your argument is particularly well-written. One thing I have never understood: Why do some religious people feel threatened by evolution? Evolution is not at all incompatible with God. I mean, there are a lot of things that make belief in God look silly, but evolution isn't one of them.

5:19 PM, February 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If evolution is only a theory then why are evolutionists so close minded about other theories? What exactly are they so afraid of?If they are really seeking the truth then they should be open to all ideas?

2:48 PM, March 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought that you might like to hear that the christian groups at school distributing intelligent design material, planting pamphlets in the SGA office, and having in depth conversations about it in the near vicinity of me.

12:58 PM, March 05, 2006  

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