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GannettUSA Today

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Pregnancy a handicap?

Let me go on record as saying I'm generally in favor of anything that makes pregnant women less cranky. The New Jersey Assembly has a bill pending that would allow them to apply for one of those temporary handicap signs that hang from the rear-view mirror.

As I understand it, not every pregnant woman would be eligible for one. Certainly not those pregnant supermodel types who gain hardly any weight at all. No, the bill includes women whose mobility is "limited as a result of pregnancy.....''

In other words, the only women who would get the good spots are the ones I have come to refer to as "The Waddlers.'' Give 'em a spot, I say, before they go ballistic on me and my "one item over the limit but in the express lane anyway'' groceries in the checkout line.

Frankly, I don't think the bill goes far enough. It should guarantee that any woman actually in labor be entitled to any parking spot she wants.


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