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GannettUSA Today

Monday, June 05, 2006

Can we get an amendment to prevent idiocy?

It's not like there haven't been stupid amendments to the U.S. Constitution before. The 18th Amendment comes to mind, the one that outlawed alcohol. Because, after all, if you outlaw something, it goes away, right?
That one was so dumb they had to repeal it.
But these days, we're really going for dumb. Debate has begun on a proposed Constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.
You let some of these elected officials anywhere near the amendment process and not only will gay marriage be banned, and civil unions outlawed, but probably some stuff that heterosexual married couples do pretty darn frequently will be out the metaphorical window as well.
Do you really want this kind of thing enshrined in the Constitution?
Well, some say, it's not really going to pass -- it's just a bone to throw to the Christian right, which is apparently a whole lot more interested in what gays and lesbians do than is seemly.
Government shouldn't try to solve a problem that exists only in the fevered night sweats of a few zealots.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

why are they wasting their time debating gay marriages when they should be debating why our troops are still fighting, being maimed and dying daily - for what again? or debate why our oil supplies are drying up when there is a vast supply in Alaska or debate why they get so much paid (taxpayer) time off when they should be representing us better?

4:12 PM, June 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real danger of that proposed amendment is its plundering of the principles of federalism. The states have always regulated who can marry. On what basis should this power now change hands from state to federal?

5:49 PM, June 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

talk about flexing your muscles. Listen, not everyone out there is christian, or catholic - bush takes his religion in to too much account for his decisions he makes.

he is making an already present issue that much larger.

the thing is - nobody has broken this "law" we had , already.

why do this? if he1s expecting a result from this he has gone mad.

you can`t stop people from loving.
this will be appealed. and if not, it`s proof that there really should be an amendment to prevent idiocy.

9:38 PM, June 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gay Marriage is not about Religion,it is about changing our laws ...and Not for the better ,once you open up marriage to same sex you must open it up to one man 2,3,4 women also or visa versa,versa,versa........where do you stop ?

2:18 PM, June 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My God defines marriage as that between a man and a woman.If this nation approves anything else it will suffer the same fate as Soddom and Gommorrah.Those that approve gay marriage and march in gay parades are as guilty as practicing Soddomites, for they approve of evil deeds.

7:22 PM, June 26, 2006  

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