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GannettUSA Today

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Character witnesses....

I've been following the trial of Melanie McGuire, accused of mudering her husband, chopping him up, putting him in suitcases and trying to send him to Davy Jones' locker. It's definitely a circumstantial case, but now that the prosecution has rested, those circumstances are looking pretty grim.
But the defense is up now and has presented an array of character witnesses who swear that the defendant is a swell human being.
I don't see how this helps her. There is no logical contradiction in being nice to your friends and killing your spouse. You can do both.
Of course, the prosecution tried to make some hay out of the fact that these character witnesses knew about McGuire's extramarital affair, asking how could somebody be nice and an adulterer.
Well, again, no logical contradiction there, and there are a lot more adulterers than murderers running around -- unless you take Jesus' sayings about lustful looks being equal to adultery and anger the moral equivalent of murder as more than rabbinical hyperbole -- in which case we're all up Damnation Creek without a redemptive paddle.
I suppose I believe that, given certain circumstances, anybody is capable of pretty much anything in this world. But that's not saying much and not what courts of law are about.
On a personal note, if I found myself up against it, I could round up a few people who would stand up in court and say, "That Mike Riley -- he's not so bad.'' But I probably would have to pay them. A lot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

just pray they never call wacky anonymous blogger as your character witness..although I could see him snapping one day and reading about him chopping up someone - of course he'd quote some wacky Bible scripture to defend it...

11:16 PM, April 11, 2007  

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